Confidence is a huge topic, even for the seemingly most confident person in the world. We all have times of feeling strong and confident but we all struggle sometimes. Some people are naturally more extrovert and some sway towards the more introverted personality type. One thing that I find empowers me, and people around me, is a damn good yoga practice!
Warrior Woman
At the beginning of my latest retreat I had a guest who was very shy; she didn’t like talking in big groups and she hadn’t practiced yoga, only dabbled in pilates a little. She’d rather hide away at the back of the studio straining to hear than risk anyone noticing her level of practice. But over the days her confidence grew as she started to trust in her body.
After attending the alignment workshop on day 3 she seemed much more relaxed and chatty in a social setting. Her face seemed to soften and glow, she was starting to get the yoga glow. On the final day of the retreat she waltzed up to the front row, choosing a mat smack bam in the centre and smiled through every part of her being. It was so so so inspiring for me to see such a transformation in such little time. This is the exact reason why I wanted to become a yoga teacher, to help people find comfort in their own skin and be the extraordinary person they were born to be!!